Positive Start

January 13, 2015 § Leave a comment

I’m happy to report that Rafa started 2015 positively- this time winning the doubles title in Doha. Although many were disheartened with his loss to a journeyman called Michael Berrer in singles, I saw something that has been missing for more than a year. His aggressive play, taking of his forehand early, and going down the line as much as possible. He’s cutting rallies short and being active inside the court instead of just the baseline- which clearly shows that he’s willing to let go of his comfort zone to save his body to play for a longer period of time.

Michael Berrer could teach some class to the young and most definitely to the veterans who ride the hype and are obnoxiously arrogant. In his post match speech he kept it curt because he realises that the media is no one’s friend or enemy. He said that Rafa was coming off playing only 7 matches in 6 months and that he lost because of the rust. Which is true and Roig echoed the same sentiment in his post match analysis that Rafa over analysed his bad game in the second set and then proceeded to lose because of his nerves.

Rafa then stayed back to practice 3 hours everyday with Juan Monaco and also beat Novak Djokovic and Filip Krajinovic in straights 7-6 6-1. He then won the doubles title with Juan Monaco and was very happy with the win and remarked that doubles or singles- it doesn’t matter, as long as he’s begun a year winning a title which is positive.

Im not going to over analyse the loss in singles and mull over the lack of miles on his legs playing just doubles. Yes the preparation for Australian Open is not ideal, and yes we need a workable draw on the lines of the U.S. Open 2013, but unless he can get his groove back, no draw is good or bad. He’s also not a science experiment that we can conduct what if experiments on him and cry over spilt milk. He’s happy and positive and I know he will try his best, and thats all I can hope for. I am a realistic fan and have a very level headed approach to Rafa- rarely anything sends shockwaves through my system because of the immense faith I have in him. I believe him so much so that he can be championship points down and I trust him to win the set anyway leaving the opponent baffled.

This is Rafael Nadal we are talking about. Someone who never gives up. And he has a stubborn fan in me, who will never give up on him. 🙂

Please enjoy the hot shot from Doha and the trophy ceremony videos i’ll paste below, and some gorgeous pictures of The Carismatica and Pico :))

rafael-nadal-doha-doubles-final2 Screen Shot 2015-01-12 at 12.14.55 amB678d3OIMAEtFvZ B6738S-IUAAtk-M nadal-monaco-win-doha-doubles-title

ON TO AUSTRALIA #OiOiOi #VamosRafa ❤

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