Rafa Update

January 17, 2015 § Leave a comment

As usual 3 of the Big 4 are on the same side of the draw, whereas Novak gets a free pass to the final. But for a change Rafa’s is a fairly balanced draw except for a tough opening round opponent. But even then, its not a surprise but a tour veteran hes played 16 times. As the bottom half plays on Monday, Rafa’s third on Rod Laver Arena of the morning session.
Yesterday, Rafa along with

Caroline Wozniacki played rooftop tennis at the Crown Towers for a Babolat commitment for his new racquet called the Aeropro Play which records the match play and pretty much analyses the shots and the impact zone etc like the IBM Logistics.

Rafa has a new sponsor in Dekton by Consentino offering indoor and outdoor surface solutions, as they are a part of his Rafa Nadal Academy.

As part of the promotion for Babolat Aeropro Play, a new commercial featuring Rafa pre connected and Rafa post connected was released and he’s beyond adorable here.

Rafa’s press conference was held today and here are a few pictures from Getty Sport, the press transcript and the video. He seems relaxed and motivated to finish strong as always and its great to see him in such good spirits.

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